Silvia Club of NSW

Good luck Magnub
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Author:  i want a silvia [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Good luck Magnub

HSC comin up!!

Good luck in your exams dude, and remember, they don't actually mean jack shit.

Author:  bogan [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

HS.... what?? oh..!! munched that last year 8)

have fun with it Ryan

Author:  Mr-Silvia [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anything below 99.95 UAI will not be accepted :P
Good luck mate

Author:  Blakesilvia [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good luck.

Author:  ZEi250t [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

ohh thats sweet. your boyfriend is looking out for you :P

hahah nah good luck mate. i think i did mine like 10+ years ago. before it was called a UAI

Author:  Nebuchernezzer [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haha yeah, mine was the first year they called it UAI, yay 1998.
PS HSC doesn't mean shit :)

Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

it had just changed from a score out of 500 to a TER when I would have done mine.

and yeah,it doesn't mean shit. don't get the score you want for uni,apply for arts,and transfer in your second year to what you want to do.
even after that,uni doesn't mean shit once you come out into the real world.



Author:  Mr-Silvia [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

fergo308 wrote:
...even after that,uni doesn't mean shit once you come out into the real world.

So, you suggesting all of us who attend university are a waste!!
I seriously being offended here. I am disappointed from such view. I believe that university degrees are worth fighting for. I am not saying without them you can't live or you are stupid but having one of them is kind of a security measure and can, in a wide range of situations, secure a live Justin...

Author:  Serial Killa [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mr-Silvia wrote:
fergo308 wrote:
...even after that,uni doesn't mean shit once you come out into the real world.

So, you suggesting all of us who attend university are a waste!!
I seriously being offended here. I am disappointed from such view. I believe that university degrees are worth fighting for. I am not saying without them you can't live or you are stupid but having one of them is kind of a security measure and can, in a wide range of situations, secure a live Justin...

I think he is just saying that a uni degree is not nescessary these days.

The thing that pisses me off is when people say:

/Chopper voice

"Oh, look at me, I didn't get in to university... Harden the fuck up"


Look, we can't all go to uni, we wouldn't all fit. Even the people who WANT to go can't fit.

So find something else to do. And yes, get into it later if you want.

I for one ruled out uni in about 1997 and never looked back :)

Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mr-Silvia wrote:
fergo308 wrote:
...even after that,uni doesn't mean shit once you come out into the real world.

So, you suggesting all of us who attend university are a waste!!

not at all. some of you go straight into jobs,and do very well. others take low level jobs as they're all that's available,and work their way up,as a degree looks good on your resume,even if it's irrelevant to what you'll be doing. others still become professional students,spending the next decade or two doing honours in basketweaving and living on austudy,living away from home,and rent assistance allowances whilst working cash jobs like bar-tending and spending their spare time protesting whatever the current 'problem' is,like higher uni fees or reductions in welfare. the latter are the group I have a problem with.

what I was referring to primarily,was the attitude many graduates have when they enter the workforce. they think that because they've done the theory,and have the piece of paper to prove it,that they know how it's done,and feel they have to tell the people who've been doing the practical work for many years before them what's what. unfortunately for them,they're often wrong,as theory does not always equal practice.
as such,degrees are not always held in particularly high regard,and are seen as the way to open the door. it's then what you do once you're in the job,and how fast you can learn what it's actually about that determines whether that door remains open for you...


Author:  Blakesilvia [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I finished last year. my uai was shit. I now work for the Catholic education department as a It administrator.

Author:  radism [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

i entered the professional work force straight out of highschool and started studying in a degree part time at the same time.

you can pretty much enter most industries at an early enough level and learn all you need to on the job which is what i had to do but having a degree is just a means of having background knowledge and some idea as to what you're job entails.

i worked fulltime and studied parttime for 2 years, now im studying fulltime for another year after this one and i can say that 90% of the stuff you learn in my particular field is not needed or expected to be remembered once youre out there.

anyway, having a degree is good, but the uni lifestyle is also quite worth it!

All the best Ryan. see you on the other side. but yeah, its not the be all and end all.

Author:  i want a silvia [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

I got 92 UAI last year, may as well have got 60 because I needed like 92.9 or something to get a HECS place for my course (film)

Anyways doing first year paying full fees (SUCKS) and next year hopefully will get a hecs spot, part time uni rules though

Author:  ZEi250t [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:35 am ]
Post subject: 

i went to TAFE after HS. left early because i couldnt learn anymore. should have stayed to get the piece of paper..... or not... no interviewer has EVER asked for it. all they want to know is what i did in my last jobs.

it doesnt matter if youre dumb as shit, or done a 6 year double degree, if its your first career job, you DONT know more than the guy thats been there 10 years. no matter how wrong you think he or she is doing it.

Author:  Serial Killa [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

i want a silvia wrote:
I got 92 UAI last year, may as well have got 60 because I needed like 92.9 or something to get a HECS place for my course (film)

Anyways doing first year paying full fees (SUCKS) and next year hopefully will get a hecs spot, part time uni rules though

Thats HECS debt... right??

if it is, then yeesh!! That is one evil sounding gamble if you ask me :-?

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