Silvia Club of NSW

Why japansese need english lessons
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Author:  Risking [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Why japansese need english lessons


Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: is the most awesome site for that kind of stuff. one of my favourites on there is still 'violence jack off',the trendy boutique.

I can post some engrish lines out of the VIP mags if you want to read them,they have THE best stuff,lines and lines of flowery sentences that make no sense whatsoever. :)


Author:  Risking [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah post away fergo, I find it funny reading stuff that makes no sense.
Kinda like a nissan forum I know of actually :wink:

Author:  ZEi250t [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

do it justin!!! that site has many hours of pleasure inside. re-reading has the same effect. i cant get enough of that place

Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

here goes. all are posted verbatim,with no spelling or grammar corrections. these are all taken from the may issue of VIP Style magazine.

VIP style (magazine):
'vip sedans are a category of high-class customized cars. "VIP STYLE" has been issued as a monthly magazine for people who are into the category.
Wewill pickup stylish sedans equipped with aero-kits from all over japan, and it will be a magazine actively involving car owners in the making of it.'

Bold World (
'Technical power which controls air. Art named a low form. Two elements are pursued and the highest air sus is sent out. it sends to the world 'BOLD WORLD' and now.'

'Alpha-project dispatches high standard messages. ZAP is the vision which reflects the alpha spirit.
ZAP was born as a kye element in inspiring new cultures from totality disparateavenues, differentiating vip muffler as before. Focussing on element-style,ZAP were designed to express the essence of affluent,expanding lifestyles.'

American racing ( Verhalt brand
'It is not overstatement even if it calls a morden art to such beautiful design. The opinion of the 12 spoke that offers time special to you.
It will be surprised seeing your style that is enough cool and stylishly.
The overwhelming existence of it is surely yours.'

Insurance: ( Ambition:
'It's possible to get at the supremacy,only what ask for the executives.
insist on your identity,in just someone's sense of values wavering.
"Ambition" is born for the best owners. It will fascinate grown up sensitivity, with delicacy, luxury, and boldly in elegance style.

(and further down the page)

The thing beyond this does not know. The figure which is clothed in a dress called Complete Body Kit and runs in a street is just a work of art.
It's own car which got "Ambition" will become your best partner.
Ambition -INSURANCE completed, is the special parts which combines the beauty and motion and it is not ashamed of to the name.'

(on the following page,same company,selling springs this time)

'Though not only appearance but the stable run is thought as important and it is automobile inspection correspondence, it is in the other company.
High quality down suspension,which does not look at a kind.
It excels in the quality control and durability which were put into practice with a domestic first-class factory listed company's technology, and is accuracy. I send high goods to a visitor.'

(opposite page,now for HID's.)

'Glitter HID Power Unit
Each type is an exclusive design. Attachment on the vehicle of a domestic car and most imported cars is possible.
Durability and accuracy are completeness of the highest level.'

there you go,that's the ones out of the current issue.


Author:  The Infamous [ Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Hahaha nice one..

I bet the chinese laugh equally at the people who have chinese characters tattoo'd to their arms :roll:

Author:  fergo308 [ Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

they'd be laughing only if the tattooist got it wrong I'd expect.

some people do get silly kanji done though. I remeber seeing a chick with the character for woman on her arm once. my reaction was 'well,duh! what's that there for,in case you forget what you are?'...

a while back I was going to make up some T shirts and coffee mugs that had pretty-looking kanji on them,that had rude or insulting meanings,just for giggles. never got around to it though.


Author:  BT [ Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:35 am ]
Post subject: 

It's as if they've used Google translations for everything. :lol:

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