Silvia Club of NSW

Army copper crew in trouble
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Author:  LOW-02T [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

fwost wrote:
LOW-02T wrote:
good effort that, they should be getting a promotion for it

they should get their ass kicked for it
how does this image reflect australia when it hits the world news

take it easy, as if it isnt funny.
harmless fun is what i see.
i really doubt other countries could care less.

Author:  sprntr [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Hits the world news?

I was overseas a while ago for a month and the only aussie news story i saw the whole time i was over there, and i was staying in london, was a story about a cow escaping from a ship docked in Darwin and cop having to tackle it. IM NOT LYING IM 100% SERIOUS!!!!
i dont think an army chopper flying round is:
a)going to be reported overseas
b)going to change anyone opinion of our wonderful larikin country.
buts thats my 2c worth

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

what about the latest one with army guys dressed up like the koo klux klan with aboriginals sitting in front of them.

funny, but thats kinda not PC :P

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