Silvia Club of NSW

Support from BIG manufacturer
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Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Support from BIG manufacturer

I dont get it, to cheapen costs, big companies farm out support onto smaller electronics centres for them to do the work. Fair enough, as long as stuff is fixed.

What gives me the shits, is that i have to chase up my crap thats being fixed! ill give you a brief one, we had 4 or 5 problematic monitors under warranty that we called up to be fixed or replaced last year. I called the manufacturer, they directed me to call the service centre, they would do everything for me. Great! suits me fine as they will even come get them for free.

So i call the service centre, its 2 weeks to christmas he is busy. He will try to come that week, if not, the next. but they wont be fixed till early next year. Thats fine with me, we are shutdown over christmas/new year break.

early new year, monitors are still sitting there. so i call up the service centre to ask whats the go, he 'forgot' and will be there. ok sure no probs, we get busy and forget things too. im understanding like that.

still no one came to get them, i think i was almost a week later when i called him again to come get them. this time i wasnt so nice. so he shows up a day or so later, pretty rude - thats ok i have bad days too - and takes them. no paperwork, weird, but whatever. he tells us he will need a few days to fix them, he will bring them back when done. cool, good news!

3 weeks later no one has shown up, no one has called. i call up the service centre and ask what the fuck? he has no answer, waiting on parts. i asked when someone called to tell us because i missed the message. he had no answer for that one. so i call up the manufacturer and tell them what the go is, i need my monitors back ASAP, they are affecting our business, its been a long time.

So they call the service centre and ask them what happened, the dude tells me they are waiting on parts, i ask him what he is going to do for me. im promised two of them in 2 days, the other 2 by the end of the week. i agree to that, i dont expect instant results.

anyway, that was monday, no word, no monitors on wednesday. so i call up again. where are my monitors, i have to explain the story to another person, he calls the service centre. by this stage i told them i dont ever want to speak to anyone at the service centre again. he said the service centre didnt answer, he will try again and call me back in 15 mins. 2 hrs later, still no call. so i call up to stirr the pot some more. im promised another call back in the afternoon. that was yesterday.

this morning, called again. im so polite to the guy its disgusting! im told that the wrong parts were delivered to the service centre, plus there arent enough parts to fix them all, so it could be a few weeks (more than the almost month he has already had them). i tell them thats not good enough, i want them back by 5pm this afternoon. i also ask to speak to a team leader, he/she is busy (ohh surprise). i explain further that its STILL affecting our business, and that consumer affairs love stories like this. im promised a call back from the team leader, and thats what im waiting for now.

is it too much to ask to get some decent support for something i bought and paid extra for additional warranty??

this service centre is representing this large company, when i get shit service, im assuming the WHOLE company is like this.

i apologised to the support guy (the one on the phone) because i know its not his fault this has all happened, but he cops it from everyone who calls i guess.

sorry, but thanks for the rant if you read this :)

Author:  Warlock_688 [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

hehe feel better? :lol:
thats pretty fucked up rite thur

Author:  Blazn' 180 [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

damn zei, you are definatly better at typing then you are at speaking :D

Author:  Magnet [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

That must've'een frustrating. It's like when you call up customer help for Xbox and the like, you end up speaking to someone in india who can barely speak english, let alone help you, then you get transfered to the US, it's a little better, but far from help.

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

hahah yeah i write documentation for work sometimes :P

as for the call centre, its located in australia, but they dont personally know all the service centres, as they are all private anyway, they only hear feedback from customers that are unhappy. like me!

as for me calling today again, they STILL havent called me back almost 4 hours later. ill get the shits soon and call them again hehe

Author:  EVILS15 [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 



It's sad but sometimes you need to bring out your dark side to get stuff like this sorted.

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

its so true, irate customers are the only ones that get action - lol not in that way :)

Author:  BT [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll call you if you want Zei. :wink:

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

no thanks

and surprise surprise, its almost 5PM today and my phone hasnt rung at all.

right now im on hold to them to blow the fuck out of them. they better answer of im going to be totally pissed off on Monday. Or ill call consumer affairs and let them deal with it...........

Author:  Nismodified [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

just call up consumer affairs now, itll be a happy way to start the weekend

Author:  fergo308 [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

mate,as much as I hate to hear crap like this,it doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

as soon as any company has more than two departments,and about half a dozen staff,customer service and accountability for poor workmanship and customer relations disappears.

I suggest you call said large company,ask to be put on to the head guy,get his name,and make a formal complaint. then write a letter to their head office,send the guy a copy,and give them the same complaint,with an attached bill for the work you've lost during the downtime,and a request for replacement parts the following working day.
also mention that a copy of the same complaint with any other relevant paperwork has also been sent to the dept. of fair trading.


Author:  MK [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like either Dell or IBM.

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

hahah neither! im not going to mention the name either. well, not till ive had my problem sorted

i gave them one last chance, their team leader was busy all day today - meetings apparently - i said if no one calls me by 10 Monday morning, ill be conferencing in the University and consumer affairs to discuss the situation.

Im not sure how true it is, but are companies fined or have to pay if they are in the wrong when consumer affairs are brought into the picture?

normally im pretty lenient when it comes to these sorts of things, but the service centre totally fucked me off with their lack of service and customer relation skills. THEN when the HO people didnt do much....... well, you all know whats happened since.

Author:  keioffice [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

firebomb the company

Author:  mokompri [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

hewlett packard !

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