Silvia Club of NSW

Stupid P platers
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Author:  ZEi250t [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

hahah that would be funny if you found the forum lol

we could do a whole Preludes Australia all over .... :P

Author:  baysideSXOC [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:52 am ]
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Subaru drivers are a bunch of loosers over here.

Basically just your cheap nasty dirty garage power car. For cheapskates who buy them because their mate has one and says it is fast, fecking sheep IMO

Author:  Vuster [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:52 pm ]
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I've had my fair share of road rage. About 3 months after I purchased my new 200sx I had this idiot 4x4 Mazda tribute guy tail gate me in a 1.5 lane 60 zone. Anyways when people tail gate me I just slow down. He got a bit angry and started swerving left to right trying to intimidate me with his tank. At this stage I got a bit more pissed off and when the 1.5 lanes changed to 2 lanes I sped up so that he couldn't overtake me because I knew that normal reaction for him would be to just cut in front of me to get revenge. He tried but because he's car was a snail compared to mine he wasn't able to. He just got caught up in the traffic on the other lane.
When we reached the lights he parked his tank about 20 cms beside my car and winded down his window, reached out and yanked on my left side mirror. The mirror was left dangling with the wires still attached. He then did an illegal left turn through the red lights and my immediate reaction was to give chase. I chased him for about 30 seconds and then I just gave up as I got his number plates. Went to the cops to make a statement and it took over a year before they took the guy to court and get me reimbursed.
It was very costly. The side lights costed 500 bucks to replace. Funny thing is that the 4x4 guy claimed that he had a little baby in the car in his statement to the police.

I think there are more idiots in 4x4 than P platers as they think they own the roads.

Author:  mokompri [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:32 pm ]
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as funny as that is to have your sideview pinched, that would be piss me off alot !

haha its sooo hilarious when you hear there engines screaming through there peeshooter exhausts trying to accelerate past you, only to find they have nooo chance in hell... i always tease and let them come to my side and then slowly crawl ahead heh :lol:

4x4 soccer mums are the worst though

Author:  MK [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:46 pm ]
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Yeah the sooner they institute some kind of off road licence to actually use one of those fucking 3 ton, 1.5 lane hogging lumbering pieces of shit that take a mile to brake properly the better.

I think its not likely to bother the primary producers or 4wd enthusiests but get these dickeaters off the road.

Author:  Serial Killa [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:27 pm ]
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Incedents like Nis' would benefit from a camera phone.

Whip it out.... "this is the dent where the dickhead hit the car, this is the dickhead, and this is the dickhead's numberplates, now i'm off to the police station"

Author:  Vuster [ Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:22 am ]
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It's better to avoid road rage all together. It was so much trouble getting my mirror replaced. Had to make a couple of statements to police, kept nagging them to get an update on the investigation, had to get 3 quotes for repairs, and it took 1 year to finally get a result.
Not worth it in the end however you do get the last laugh and the idiots do pay up in the end.
When it comes to road rage I'm very selective on when I will let my temper boil. There's a lot of suspect cars which I will not go near. You just know that you will be asking for trouble so it's best to let them be.

Author:  RobO [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:28 pm ]
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I used to let it get to me, but know I just stay relaxed and not let it aggravate me.
I find that my whole driving experience is much more enjoyable when I don't get road rage.

Author:  mokompri [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:14 pm ]
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i find it quite enjoyable, when some idiot does something really really noob on the road then i vent some road rage... my horn doesnt work at the moment, so i stick my head out when i can and yell some sort of abuse, its always justified so i feel like im doing the community a favour by letting that person know they are an idiot, and deserve the abuse for there noobness 8)

Author:  ACHOOO [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

ahh roadrage...I am the queen of it... Bring a P plater also I do not drive like a tool tailgating etc... although I think the wrx part is a little harsh Nis :wink:

Did have another P plater in a wagon STi wannabe try to do the same thing the other day... there was 2 big fulsik buggers tailgate then the came beside me and waved goodbye.... :evil:

Some ppl have no idea.... I waved goodbye then chopped them off the next lights :lol: :lol:

But then ppl wonder why P platers have a bad name....

Author:  GreeN TeA [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:58 pm ]
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zei20l wrote:
pity you had ur gf with you, might have been more fun for you.

Might have been...But knowing Nis, I don't want that poor P plater to be smashed into a pulp. I DO have a heart! :wink: Maybe next time when I'm in the mood, I'll let Nis get out and have "fun".

But seriously, it wasn't worth getting out to start something so stupid over. I don't think moving your ass is worth anything unless it's serious.

Author:  Nismodified [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:21 am ]
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ACHOOO wrote:
although I think the wrx part is a little harsh Nis :wink:

are you joking? The stereotypical image of the wrx driver was justified in this incident, and you call it harsh?

I call bias, and a severe case of blinding by the lag on your behalf

Author:  ThuanSUX [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:24 am ]
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I'd fuck him.

Author:  eckshale [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:26 pm ]
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rofl umm ok then

Author:  RobO [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Only if he was hot :wink: Thuan your a classic. :P

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